Monthly Archives: June 2018

Obsessive Behavior After ET Abduction

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.

“It sounds nuts,” said one abductee. “If my best buddy told me this story, I’d never believe him,” said another man. “I still don’t believe it, and it happened to me,” gasped another abductee.

At the beginning of an alien abduction case, people will report seeing some kind of unusual light right before the experience. The light appears “liquid-like.” People report that once they see the light, it then follows them. The light moves at an extremely rapid speed, and it is at this point that memories become fuzzy. Time goes missing. People will find themselves in another location having no memory of how they got there.

This can even happen to a group of individuals. When it does, the group typically does not talk about the experience right away. Though time has passed with no explanation, abductees say they felt very tired and didn’t want to talk about what just occurred at that time. Days will pass before people begin to come out of their brain fog and discuss what happened.

Sadly, they are not believed at first. They are viewed as crazy or liars. This makes disclosure all the more difficult. After all, why tell people about this scary experience who are just going to make fun of you?

Yet unusual things keep popping up in the wake of the bizarre happening. Poltergeist activity occurs in abductee homes and can even follow them from place to place. A state of hyper-fear sets in. Because these people will frequently suffer from flashbacks and strange nightmares along with poltergeist activity, they develop trouble sleeping. They keep getting up to lock and re-lock doors and windows when they try to rest. Any little sound terrifies them. It gets so bad that they get up multiple times a night to check doors and windows.

Next, the abductees can suddenly have an irrational fear of something they never were afraid of before. It has been suggested that ET’s plant this fear indirectly in the minds of people in order to black out what really happened. In other words, instead of remembering being with aliens, an abductee may not remember much at all at first. Memory will be hazy and unclear. Then, the individual may remember seeing a deer or an owl and suddenly have a deathly fear of them.  Basically, the fear associated with being taken by extraterrestrials gets transferred to the hypnotic image that has been put in the memory’s place. All of a sudden, a grown man may be terrified of a certain animal or something similar that has never scared him before. It is an irrational fear that is very strong. However, with time, the abduction memories do bleed through, and people remember their odd encounters.

Along with the intense fear comes paranoia. After the event, abductees will sometimes feel as if they are being watched, and it freaks them out. There are times they will catch a glimpse of a face in the window or a shadow out of the corner of their eyes. Something just doesn’t feel right. Now this doesn’t mean that they are being watched, yet these people certainly feel like they are. Some abductees I’ve spoken with have said that when they feel as if they are being watched, they will rush to the window to see if there is someone outside. Second, they will look to the sky to see if there is anything there. In some cases, they stated that they saw strange lights in the sky at that time.

As a result, anxiety skyrockets along with doctor visits. Though some people may not know this, it is quite common for abductees to seek out medical guidance for their problems. For many, any pre-existing medical condition seems to get worse. Coupled with the extreme anxiety, they feel lost and desperate. Because of that, they go to doctors. It is more typical that abductees do not tell medical personnel about what happened at first. Instead they simply seek help for their existing medical problems and the increasing anxiety.

At the same time, abductees become obsessed with a subject they may never had thought about before. Obsessed. They will spend a great deal of time with their new obsession. Some fixate on math. Some take up art. Others zero in on medicine. They will spend a ton of time involved in this new fixation. They can’t explain why they become fascinated with a certain subject. All they know is that suddenly they just have to investigate and get involved in this new venture.

It is as if these people have a breakthrough of some kind. They see things that they hadn’t before. Suddenly they understand advanced mathematics or medicine. It is as if information has been downloaded to their brains. In many instances, these people find themselves going in a totally different direction in life. They can change jobs, move to a different location, get divorced, or simply change who they are in general. The ET experience seems to induce a dramatic change and compulsive behavior in people.

The after-effects are clearly there for anyone to see. Whatever caused their experience, there is dramatic change in human beings afterward. And these abductees want answers. I never met one who did not want to know what really happened and why it happened. Those I spoke to wanted to understand what happened and were more than willing to see doctors to rule out medical issues or medication as being a cause. Most would rather be declared sick or mentally ill than actually having encountered extraterrestrials.

Certainly, there are ways to explain these patterns of experiences without referring to aliens. Obviously the first go-to answer would be mental health. Are people who go through these things simply psychotic? For some, the answer is ‘yes.’ There are people I have spoken to who are obviously out of touch with reality. When you suggest seeing a psychiatrist and a doctor, such individuals react badly. They are convinced that aliens got them and there is nothing anyone can say or do to sway them another direction. They do not question whether they are sane or not. They ‘know’ they are sane and aliens are stalking them. There is no room for doubt for them. This is a small number however.

On the other hand, there are others who question everything. They are not convinced at all that they have had contact with ET’s. They want answers and are more than willing to see all kinds of medical specialists to get to the bottom of their experiences. They say that if they were deemed mentally ill, that medication and therapy could fix them. In other words, they were not married to the idea of having been taken by extraterrestrials. In these cases, the people do go to psychiatrists and other medical doctors in a quest to find the truth. The results? No psychosis. They were deemed sane by board certified psychiatrists. In some instances, there were medical issues. However, the illnesses would not produce hallucinations or delusions. Things like ingrown toenails or bulging lumbar discs were discovered. But nothing that would explain away what happened.

In a very small number of cases, seizure disorders were found. In such cases, the alien abduction situation can be explained away because seizure disorder can produce hallucinations and lost time. A person can feel, see, taste, and smell things that are not there. Though the experiences were very realistic to the individuals, unless there was more than one person going through the same thing at the same time, reality points to the seizure disorder as being the culprit. Dr. Barry Taff discusses the link between seizures and paranormal phenomena, and I strongly suggest you read his publications to learn more.

Alien experiences become more difficult to explain away when groups of people have alien contact occur at the same time. And that does happen. Psychiatrists may say it is a group hallucination. The problem is that victims suffer from physical problems from the abductions. There will be scars that form overnight. Big scars that shouldn’t form so quickly. Lumps appear on areas of skin that are damaged during the experiences. Some have evidence of radiation exposure. No matter how much you hallucinate, as far as I know, you can’t irradiate yourself doing so. Multiple people experience these things at once. There is the heart of the matter. It becomes much more difficult to dismiss when groups go through this. Though the idea of ET’s can seem ridiculous, so is suggesting that groups of people massively hallucinate, cut themselves, irradiate themselves, and all have the same hallucination at the same time. Now you don’t have to believe extraterrestrials are causing this, but something is. That something is worthy of study.

Or course there is always the possibility of government shenanigans. The US government has been involved in some pretty heinous experimentation on human beings in the past. What is to say that these alien encounters are really ET’s? Could it be the government doing some kind of research and/or testing? Who knows. It is something to consider.

The point is that many people from all different backgrounds around the world go through this phenomenon. If alien, one has to presume that motives are not so pure. If they were acting in our best interest, they would not operate secretively. They wouldn’t have to. In fact, there would be people lined up to have contact and engage in research with ET’s. A lot of humans would volunteer, and there would be no need for ‘abductions.’ That’s just a fact. If aliens are here, they may not be killing us all off, but they are not doing much to help us either.

When someone who is down to Earth tells me he/she has had one of these bizarre experiences, I believe them. People have these weird things happen, whether ghost or ET related. Too many people are quick to dismiss those who speak about paranormal happenings. At the same time, if you talk to people in depth, many will admit to having had some kind of supernatural experience.

If you have had something unusual happen and would like to share, feel free to contact me at deborahkauflin     @