Tag Archives: UFO

Are psychics abducted by aliens?

Photo by Veronika Malchevska on Pexels.com

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.


Aliens seem to have a keen interest in psychics. Abductees who are not psychic have told me that ET’s who took them gave them interesting information. Extraterrestrials pay particular attention to psychics and want contact with them. And psychics themselves have picked up on this too.

I know a lot of psychics, and I am psychic myself. Almost every psychic I know has had some kind of alien contact experience. About a quarter of them had good contact, and three quarters had some kind of negative result from abduction.

Those who said they had a negative abduction suffered from illness and/or injuries afterward. They had the typical scars which appeared overnight, bleeding, eye problems, head pain, new allergies, heart rhythm issues, as well as new illnesses. The illnesses tended toward neurological and autoimmune disorders. It caused psychological distress and interfered with daily living. In short, the psychics who were taken suffered because of it.

When I was talking with my psychic friends, there was a lot of fear and uncertainty that came with their recollections. They had missing time, and when I asked them to describe the entities they saw, they were nervous and afraid. They patently told me that they never wanted to see these things again. These psychics felt violated and were not happy about what happened.

On the other hand, those who say they had positive contact felt as if the aliens were their ‘real’ family. They believed that they came from the stars and are out of place here on Earth. Their views about contact are very different. Many state that they received gifts from the ET’s. Several mentioned that they almost seemed to be able to slow or speed up time after contact. They felt more at peace in their lives. Their psychological state improved.

Often, their psychic skills increased after meeting with aliens. They viewed it as a blessing and considered the extraterrestrials to be friends. During contact, they were shown advanced technologies which they had trouble explaining. One example was piloting a craft using the mind alone.

Interestingly, those with negative contact said that their psychic skills got way better after extraterrestrial contact. These people got terrible headaches or migraines as well.  There was a price to pay for the increased abilities. In the end, the gift of better ‘seeing’ was not good enough to override the bad aspects of what happened to them.

Why would extraterrestrials seek out psychics? Perhaps it is because they are psychic themselves? Maybe they rev up abductee skills as an experiment. Could it be that they like the psychics they help?

I have been asked if I have ever been taken. The short answer is ‘no.’ While I have had dreams of strange creatures, I have never had anything like the experiences which I have studied.  In the dreams I have had, I have seen what look like Reptilians, blue creatures, and traditional Greys. I’ve gotten messages from these dreams, and I will say my psychic ability got better after I began delving into this subject.  But, of course, that could be because I research this phenomenon, and my mind is preoccupied with it. I will say that I have seen things before they have happened, but like most psychics, it rarely involves something in my personal life. We have trouble reading for ourselves.

The more you dig into this subject, the more you realize what you don’t know. These things are reclusive and often misleading. It almost seems as if they are playing with us much like a cat plays with a mouse. Just because they give things to some people does not mean that they are not bad. One of my criminal profiling research studies I did years ago focused on sadistic serial killers. I interviewed them on Death Row and examined their backgrounds. I created new profiles of these killers which a used on my criminal profiling case work and in my lectures for law enforcement. The sadistic killers in particular would be nice at times in their lives. They liked doing that because in their minds, they were playing God. They decided when they were good or bad. Maybe aliens are like this too.

The truth is that they remain hidden and give us information that they want us to have. This is true with the paranormal in general. You get the breadcrumbs which they lay out for you to follow. This can be very frustrating because we know something is there, but just what is it? I’ve seen enough and interviewed enough people to know that there is a reality to this phenomenon. It exists. What is scary is that paranoral entities seem to be able to read our minds. This puts us at a terrible disadvantage, even if they are generally benevolent.

If you have information you would like to share with me regarding this topic, email me. I’m learning right along with all of you.

Contact: Deborahkauflin  @  gmail.com

Alien abductions and heart arrhythmia

Photo by Suvan Chowdhury on Pexels.com

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.


ET abductions leave their marks on victims. Implants, scars, radiation exposure, and autoimmune disorders are common. In fact, there is a very large list of damage that alien abduction does to the human body and mind. But the one I am touching on today is the heart.

 From all the alien abductees I have interviewed, a very high number experienced arrhythmias following the contact. Most of these people did not have any history of heart problems prior to the incident. However, afterward, it was a different story.

Abductees began having symptoms such as dizziness, anxiety, fainting, unusual pulse, and wild blood pressure changes. All were seen by doctors to determine the cause of their problems. Each one was diagnosed with some kind of arrhythmia.

Interestingly, many had no history of heart problems in their families. More women than men suffered from this after-effect.  The ages of the abductees who experienced this phenomenon ranged from early twenties to late 60’s. However, a lot in this group began having contact when they were children. The arrhythmia appeared after a specific abduction which was remembered vividly in the age range of twenty to sixties.

Who was behind the abductions? The Greys. And these were not pleasant experiences. Pretty much all of the people taken were scared when they saw the tall Grey aliens. People said the little entities who were half the size of the big ones were not as scary and seemed to take orders from the tall ones. Things were smooth and robotic when it was just the little beings. It was quiet and almost calm. But when the tall Greys would enter the room, abductees would see no empathy from the creatures. Something in their minds told them to be afraid, and they were.

They described the tall Grey face as “hard” and “emotionless.” These Greys did not particularly treat the abductees well either. In these cases, the victims were medically experimented on. Each felt pain and called out for help because of it. It seemed as if the tall Greys were reluctant to help.  The humans yelling out in pain created some kind of emotion in these Greys, but not in a caring way. They were angry that their work was being disturbed. Begrudgingly, the tall Greys would eventually put the person out of misery, usually by staring into their eyes or touching their foreheads.  It wasn’t an act of kindness. It was to shut the victims up.

Upon waking at home, these abductees would often see fresh dried blood on their bodies. Whether from the nose, ears, or mouth, they had bled during their ordeals. Some would see fresh scars on their bodies, while others felt something had been put in their mouths, ears, or areas like their feet.

Very shortly afterward, the abductees began experiencing symptoms of arrhythmia. Because this can impact your life in extreme ways, the people sought out help pretty quickly.  The sad part is that the heart condition was permanent. It remained despite treatment. Timing-wise, it was connected to the phenomenon. People who had this type of abduction experienced a myriad of health issues afterward. Their view of the contact was negative and reamained so. This is very different from the ‘teaching’ abductions where some type of entity imparts knowledge to the contactee. The negative ones were clearly medical experimentation.

What could be happening here? Do you think these abductions are doing something to the hearts of their captives? Is it on purpose? Could these creatures be hunting us for their experimental programs? There are enough people who tell similar stories that you have to ask what is really happening. Something is going on. The topic is fascinating and worthy of study. The paranormal is real. There is something out there beyond us. Are you curious enough to peek and see what is on the other side looking back at you?

Contact deborahkauflin  @  gmail.com

Humans must hold a wave to stop ET

Photo by ROMAN ODINTSOV on Pexels.com

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.

Mars attacks! We are in grave danger! Well, are we? Are they all evil? Do they really look like the little bug-eyed creatures? Is it true that they are abducting and hurting humans? Can they move from dimension to dimension and consume resources like locusts? Are some good?

I have to be honest. I am learning about ET’s along with all of you. I’ve interviewed a lot of abductees and contactees. I am psychic and know a lot of psychics. I am also friends with other paranormal researchers. But this information about holding a wave comes from my own channeling and not from somewhere else.

Where I get this psychic information, I am not sure. I’d like to think that good ET’s have let me know about how to stop dangerous entities by using waves. I’m no physicist, so I wasn’t completely sure what they were talking about. I asked psychically if it could be explained it to me.

I picked up that humans must hold a wave to stop certain aliens. What kind of wave, I asked. I was told you have to hold a light frequency wave which not only can interfere with certain ET functions, but it also has impacts on time.

The frequencies move and halt atoms. Using multiple frequencies together accelerates or slows certain actions. I am told these frequencies can stop a weapon or redirect it. They can also be used to breach defenses of certain other frequencies. There is a circular nature to this. And there is a way to cut into a frequency to make it ineffective. In other words, you can use frequencies in a war, but an enemy can disable the kind you are using. You have to discover what species responds to which frequencies.

ET’s have used frequencies to communicate, as if using a Morse code. I am told there are scientists who have played around with this. They should be aware that aliens have been experimenting on them as they do so.

Anyone who tries to build such weapons will be successful until the fist time it is to be deployed. There will be a malfunction. These things will be prone to malfunction and can be taken over by an enemy. There would be some kind of back door entrance into this by someone who understands how it works. In other words, an enemy who knows about this could somehow get into it and use it. There is something about redirecting the frequency and time tables. And watch the interval.

For those investigating this, I believe there is a lot of false information out there. If ET’s are involved, they are not always honest. I heard the word ‘decepticon.’ Aren’t those fictional space characters from the movie Transformers? I looked it up and it said Decepticons are concerned with conquering and ruling. This could be who or what researchers have been talking to. Those looking into this need people with good hearts to help them. A good heart will always beat anything else because in the end, you can trust that. When this technology is totally mastered, it will be met with a sense of wonder.

Be aware that if you play with frequencies, they can hurt you, even if you think you have protective gear. It is like there is a frequency that we humans are unaware of which can be used to harm us secretly.

The human wars will seem so small compared to anything we face from another dimension or world. I know there are some who claim that there will be a false flag ET invasion. However, this may not be true. You have to understand that where there is good, there is bad. I am certain that if the abduction stories are true, then there are some evil ET’s who do not have our best interest at heart. Don’t dismiss that because you have only encountered the good. It is far better to be prepared for a threat.

ET minds are like computers

Photo by Darya Grey_Owl on Pexels.com

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.


When you hear stories about extraterrestrial contact, there are wild variations in what happens. From positive alien encounters to horror abduction cases, it seems that the phenomenon covers the spectrum. There are however some common factors and patterns to contact.

After interviewing a lot of ET abductees as well as contactees, it is clear the extraterrestrial mind acts like a computer. These entities are highly intelligent, and many have extreme psychic abilities. They clearly have some advantages over us.

Specifically, the Grey alien mind is like a machine. Here is how they are computer-like.

  1. The speed with which they process information
  2. Hive mind creates computer like environment, i.e. sharing, integration, legacy
  3. The depth of knowledge they absorb and retain

ET’s are quick to learn and are greedy for knowledge. This is one of the factors that drive them to explore. They are researchers at heart but seem to have empathy issues, much like a computer. Their human interactions leave a lot to be desired. The after-effects of abduction can be horrible.

Second, the Grey group appears to have a hive mind which is similar to a computer. They share information quickly and integrate it completely. By sharing information among all, it creates a legacy, so knowledge does not die. One can see the benefits to this. It strengthens the group in many ways. Yet, you have to wonder if there is any privacy in the ‘hive.’

Though it looks like they share a mind, individuals are capable of great learning. Not only that, but they are like computers in that they do not forget. Knowledge is retained. Group and individual are educated. So, in a sense, there is an individual mind as well as a hive mind.

Having shared knowledge makes advancement much easier. But one has to ask, could these things, if alone, do what the group has done as the hive? In other words, if they were like humans, would they be as advanced as they appear to be? Does their Borg-like nature give them the ultimate upper hand?

I should note that there is one very big way that the ET’s are not like computers. From what I’ve seen with abductees and other researchers, there is a duplicitous nature to these creatures. They are not honest in many settings, and trickery is used. Does this point to more emotion that we see? Are they malignant? Could they be hiding feelings from us?

As more alien interaction comes to light, perhaps we will get these answers and more. For now, it is best to be wary in order to be prepared. Better safe than sorry.

Contact  deborahkauflin   @   gmail.com

Extraterrestrials use implants on other ET’s

Photo by One Special Day on Pexels.com

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D. 10-16-23

Aliens do use implants. Much like humans, they like to keep track of their livestock. From what I have been told, extraterrestrials use implants on many species, including other aliens. Certain ET’s have a hierarchy. It is almost like a caste system.

Those at the top of the pyramid can be arrogant and cruel. They consider themselves to be logical beings. To them, it is logical to tag creatures they use. They want to know how humans and others are doing psychologically and physically. Plus, they want to know where their ‘property’ is at all times. In some cases, the implants are used to control and even harm.

I have been told that another species of ET which I have never heard of before is one who uses these implants on fellow aliens. This group considers itself superior and extraordinary. They use other extraterrestrials as slaves. Their psychic abilities are exceptional, and they can kill using a thought. At the same time, they are enamored with technology and use it a lot. They are explorers who are skilled at many languages.

For such an advanced species, they also seem obsessed with lesser species. It is almost as if they are lonely, but that makes no sense. I have been told they are hostile to humans. That is interesting in and of itself. Hostile to humans yet drawn to them. Love/hate? But they hold greater disdain for other extraterrestrials than humans.

So how are implants used in other ET’s different from those in humans?

These types of alien implants actually include some component of or DNA of the aliens who use them. This is different from the implants which have been found in humans. The human implants did not have something from the aliens themselves.

The extraterrestrials responsible for putting implants in other ET’s would consider such implants primitive because they can do something with consciousness itself, including moving it. Still, they use the implants. In a way, in doing so they are leaving breadcrumbs for us to follow.

I cannot seem to get the name or description of the extraterrestrials who are doing this. I will keep trying. It does not appear as if this applies to the Greys, Reptilians, Tall Whites, Trantaloids or others I have heard of. If you know who this article describes, let me know. I am learning with all of you.

contact: deborahkauflin @ gmail.com

UFO’s, Glowing Rocks & the Movie Contact

Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels.com

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.

If you have ever seen the movie ‘Contact,’ you will immediately be able to picture what I am referring to in this article. There are a lot of people who study UFO’s and ET’s. Groups will go out into certain areas, particularly the desert, and hunt for strange things in the skies. They are seeking something otherworldly. Some people claim they can summon the unidentified crafts, and the UFO’ show themselves when mentally called.

Many people have seen this phenomenon. But this isn’t the end of it. There is much more. When alien enthusiasts search the night skies for unidentified objects, they go to remote locations in the hopes of seeing the unusual. I have spoken with people who have done so in the Southwestern United States.  These groups got more than they dreamed of. They found something more than lights in the sky. Night sky watchers have reported that they found unusual rocks and sand near where they witness the UFO’s overhead. Parts of the rocks and sand seem like they are lit up. In short, they glow and glisten.

Now here is where I am going to refer back to the Contact movie. If you have seen it, you remember when Jodie Foster’s character arrived at her destination, and an alien greets her in the form of her father. The ET shows her sand running through his fingers. As the sand falls from his hand, you see lights which form a pattern.

Something similar is happening around unidentified flying objects.

The sky watchers who go out in the desert will see what look like lights on the ground, go to investigate, and then find what look like glowing rocks. It is as if the rocks are illuminated like the lights on his hand in the movie.

The witnesses who see and handle these seemingly lighted rocks state that they often find them on the ground where they saw a UFO in the sky. The frustrating part of this is that as time goes on, the light fades, and the rocks return to normal. The shimmering goes dark quickly.

Does close proximity to a craft make rocks or sand glow in this manner? Is the glowing phenomenon something that happens on purpose or is it a side effect?

I have been psychically told that the Contact movie scene involving the sand is important and has meaning. There is more in that scene than meets the eye. As weird as it sounds, that scene was a communication from another life form. I know it sounds incredible, but that is what I have been told. Other psychics have picked this up too. Aliens can and do telepathically interact with humans, including writers. The scene was put there for a purpose. For the most part, I think people did not recognize the significance of this.

I believe part of the message is that there are ET’s out there who are not only kind but will go out of their way to help us. In the Contact movie scene, the alien appears as her father to make meeting easier. He also glances upward so that they could view the meteor shower together, something Jodie’s character missed as a child. The extraterrestrials wanted to give her that experience. This shows benevolence and an understanding of emotion.

How does this relate to investigators searching for UFO’s in the night? The presence of unidentified flying objects along with the patterned glowing rocks seems to have meaning. There appears to be purpose in this. What it looks like is a message which is that something else is here with us on Earth. Interestingly, some investigators have had these rocks tested even though they lost their glow by the time they got to their cars. They brought the rocks with them to have them analyzed. Some samples showed traces of radioactivity. Other samples showed nothing.

The interesting thing is that multiple witnesses have seen this. It isn’t just one person, and it happens all over the world. It should be noted that this also happens when an entity materializes out of an orb which many groups have witnessed as well.

UFO + Glowing rocks/sand = Potential ET?

Is it a intentional? Could it simply be incidental? We may not know the exact cause, but there is a phenomenon happening in front of us. Someone or something is trying to give us a message. If you have experience with the glowing rocks or some story which relates to this, let me know. I am learning right along with the rest of you.

Contact deborahkauflin  @  gmail.com


Zap sensation when ET near

Photo by Tara Winstead on Pexels.com

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D. August 1, 2023

Psychics are particularly vulnerable to this. Yet anyone can experience it. Extraterrestrials can impact human neurological systems. One of the ways they may effect people is the zapping neurological sensation when they are close by.

It is not known whether this is on purpose or not. No one has gotten a satisfactory answer. When ET’s are near people, humans can feel an electrical shock sensation. This is especially true for those with compromised neurological systems. Those with nerve damage can feel many ‘zaps.’ This can be very painful.

The zaps coincide with some other factors which indicate something otherworldly is happening. These factors include seeing an extra-bright light outside the window at night, poltergeist activity, ET dreams, seeing a creature, missing time, and electrical equipment failure.

When studying people who have reported this, it tends to look like ET’s are doing it on purpose. Why? The zaps seem to get worse if the person is trying to concentrate on something else. For example, if someone is trying to get work done and there have been indications of ET presence, if the human tries to ignore it, pain gets worse. If the person focuses on the activity and pays attention to it, the zaps subside.

This, of course, leads one to believe the aliens are making the electrical zaps more intense if the individual is not doing what they want. They seem to want people to pay attention to them in this circumstance. If people do not, they get a form of electrocution. Zap!

It is interesting that paranormal investigators report something similar. When they investigate active hauntings, this zapping sensation can impact them as well. The more detailed the haunting, the worse the neurological effects. However, the electrical zaps seem more prominent when there are elements of alien contact or abduction. The after-effects can linger, meaning that your body can ache after receiving these painful electric shocks. You read that right: a person can feel pain long after the event because the zaps are so intense. One has to wonder whether the zaps are causing long term damage to those receiving them.

I’m telling you that these creatures can impact our neurological systems. There seems to be intent and purpose to causing the shocks to humans. Whether it is simply a side effect to being close to them or they are doing it on purpose, humans clearly have a response to the paranormal. Something happens, and our bodies react to it.

Stay tuned for more….

Contact deborahkauflin  @  gmail.com


Strange colors in the sky: Portals for ET?

Photo by Alexander Grey on Pexels.com

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.  July 25, 2023

There have been reports of unusual areas in the sky which have bright colors. People who have seen them have described them as swatches of bright brilliant areas of almost glowing colors. Some people explain the areas as patches of pastel pink, while others have seen some glowing green. It seems that in South America, people have seen circles of unique blue colors. There have even been spots which are a vibrant purple. Those who have seen them say they are stunning and catch your attention.

This may not seem strange at first. However, these sightings correlate with UFO’s and alien visits. The colors in the sky are vibrant and very specific. People say the hues are not what you would normally see in the sky. It is like you are looking up at the clouds, and then you see a distinct area or circle that is an intense flamboyant color which is out of place. It is not normal.

In some cases, these bizarre areas of color occur right before or after a storm. There is a flash of light and a report of an unidentified object in the sky. Those who have described these things claim that the flashes of light are not the same as lightning.  When I asked them what they meant, witnesses stated that the flashes of light came from one spot in the sky, and it was the same spot that the UFO emerged from.

A lot of these cases come from South America, though cases occur worldwide. One witness said she felt that the unusual colors were an act of God sending a message to all of us. She claimed that she saw the Blessed Mother in the sky after seeing a bright, vivid circle of glowing purple. She was adamant that God was not happy with humanity, and that we must turn away from evil and get involved in our communities.

Since witnesses who have seen these unusual swatches of color have also seen UFO’s coming out of them, could they be portals to other planets or dimensions? Could the circles of vivid colors somehow signal that a craft is on its way?

It certainly would be interesting to measure properties of these sky colors to see if they would impact compasses and if they exude any specific aspects. Are frequencies different within these areas? Do these color swatches have any effects on humans? What if someone flew an aircraft into them?

If you have heard of this or seen this, please let me know. I try to respond to everyone and will do my best.

Spiritdeb.com  contact  deborahkauflin  @  gmail.com

Ugly ET’s warn of pretty aliens

Photo by Allen – on Pexels.com

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D. July 20, 2023

Looks do not matter. This is one of the secrets of life. What matters is the core on the inside, not the outside wrapping. If you are older, then you know this by now. Younger people will realize it in time. Life has a way of teaching us very simple lessons which should be obvious. Yet sometimes, people cannot ‘see’ what is right in front of them.

Often ‘pretty’ is ‘ugly,’ and vice versa. What I mean by that is superficial looks can be misleading. Many times, what may appear shiny and beautiful is nothing more than dirt painted to look good. The ‘ugly’ ET’s have been giving us this warning. Only they are referring to aliens who are more visually appealing to humans. They have warned us about the ‘pretty’ extraterrestrials.

“Beware,” they said. All that glitters is not gold. Be careful of aliens who humans consider visually appealing. These creatures are a trap. They are like the Venus flytrap for flies. They look good and draw you in, but they are deadly and seek to cause you harm.

There are reports of certain extraterrestrials who look human. Those who have seen them say that are remarkably attractive. Their appearance is a lure. It is meant to disarm humans, to make them willing to let their guards down. Be very afraid of these entities. They have gone to great lengths to hypnotize you.

The extraterrestrials who are ugly have said that these pretty aliens are quite dangerous. They have super psychic abilities and can interfere with a human psychic’s skills. Such entities can harm a human with a mere thought. They can read human minds and communicate telepathically. These creatures have hair trigger tempers and will deliver pain to any humans who can truly recognize them. Psychics have been warned to never attempt to read these entities.

Such a species is on the hunt. They are searching for living prey for the purpose of experimentation and exploitation. A lot of alien abductees have reported being taken by the Greys only to come face to face with attractive ‘human’s during the process. The beautiful ‘humans’ are nothing more than ET’s. It has been guessed that the purpose was to calm victims down. The idea is if you are taken by another species, but then you see someone who looks like you, then you will be calmer. You will be cooperative. Some say this shows benevolence, while others claim it is psychological operation or psyops.

Government psychic spies have picked up on these pretty aliens. The spies are very reluctant to speak about the pretty ET’s and how dangerous they are. Yet there seems to be a fascination with them. It appears as if these super psychic beautiful ET’s can manipulate the human mind and make people ‘want’ to be near them despite the danger. In short, they can control humans and turn them into slaves.

The huge warning which has been given to multiple contactees and psychics is to be very careful around these creatures. Like humans, beauty is only skin deep. What looks good on the outside can be very misleading. Do not assume that an ET who looks like us is somehow good. In fact, it may be just the opposite. There is danger in beauty. Watch out for what may be lurking right in front of you.

We know so little about aliens. They seem to be reluctant to share much with us. Yet we pick up bits and pieces which give us enough concern to be wary of what is in our skies. They are out there, and they are here. We as a species are stumbling. Something is here to catch us, but is it good?

Spiritdeb.com   contact: deborahkauflin   @   gmail.com