Tag Archives: psychic

Psychics have trouble reading themselves

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.


You always hear people ask why psychics did not see future events in their lives. Why didn’t they see it coming? I have known excellent psychics whose children died in tragic accidents and from horrible illnesses. I also know psychics who had a series of wonderful, unexpected events. They never saw these things coming. Whether good or bad, it is very difficult for sensitives to read for themselves. There are many reasons why.

Here are some factors:

  1. Psychics are not psychic all the time
  2. Emotions impact ability to read
  3. Health can interfere with reading
  4. Weather
  5. Fatigue

The first thing is that psychics are not psychic all the time. They go about their daily routines doing everything a non-psychic person would do. Like all of you reading, they have family to tend to and other obligations. They may volunteer somewhere, write, research, and any number of other tasks. Because of this, they are not sitting by themselves trying to get psychic impressions all day. In fact, using psychic abilities has a tendency to tire you out. A psychic would go mad reading all the time.

Second, emotions impact the ability to read. If you are going through a hard time, then your psychic skills may be off. The more upset you are, the harder it can be to sense things. If you have a death in the family, a job loss, or a relative’s illness, it can briefly wipe out your skills. This is temporary, but it has an effect.

Health is a huge factor. Many psychics suffer from some kind of medical issue. Most often it is some kind of autoimmune disease or headache problem. When these things act up, it becomes extremely difficult to use your skills. In fact, some psychics actively try to turn off their abilities when sick. The strain is too much.

This one may sound strange, but it is true. The weather can intrude on your abilities. Pressure changes can make headache disorders much worse. They can also make joint problems and autoimmune diseases act up. Weather also impacts others. It can be hard to read for someone if that person is closed due to their own illnesses getting worse due to weather fronts.

Fatigue is important. If you are too tired to function, then you certainly are not going to do any psychic readings. You know how it is when you don’t sleep well. Your work is not exactly stellar the next day. As we all age, we struggle with fatigue.

There are many reasons a psychic would not be able to read for themselves, but I think the most important factor involved is emotion. Things that are very important to you can make you unable to see much of anything. Reading for yourself always has this element. Your life is your personal world. The emotions tied to it are too strong. Let’s take the example of a psychic who has health problems. When you are simply struggling to live, you don’t see things. You can’t.

People make snarky comments if a psychic does not see a future event in their lives. What they don’t realize is that you don’t read for yourself because you are too invested. You can’t be objective. What you see may be totally wrong. It is why doctors should not treat themselves and lawyers should not represent themselves. This view that psychics should see everything all the time is simply wrong. Life doesn’t work that way in any circumstance. It would be like saying some oncologists died of cancer, so they are all frauds.  

Psychic abilities are very touchy. Many things can interfere. Just because you may not be able to read for someone one day does not mean that you won’t the next. It is a skill that requires nurturing. Hopefully as we evolve as a species, we will discover how the psychic mind works. What factors make someone super accurate in an ability to predict the future? There is a physical origin for this; we just have not pinned it down yet. We have all had psychic experiences. One day you will know something is wrong with a loved one before being notified. Another time you will know when someone is going to call before it happens. It is there in all of us. We simply have to embrace it.

Psychic connection with your pets

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.


Did you know that your pets are psychic? Have you ever noticed that your fur baby always knows what mood your are in and how to comfort you? Not only do they study your body language to figure out how you are feeling, but pets are very intuitive. Your pets have a psychic connection with you.

Let’s take an example. Say you have a bad day. If you are in a separate room, your pet will come to find you. Depending on how you feel, your animal will simply lay with you and give you love or do tricks to make you smile. They spring into action based on what they see and feel.

Your fur babies do not just watch you. They have a love-line to you with their minds. The psychic connection bonds you together. They know when you are happy and sad. Plus, they sense when you are in trouble!

There have been situations where a pet is inside the house and their person is outside and in danger. Somehow the pet knows something is wrong and begins wildly barking or freaking out in the home. This is to alert people inside to the danger. And there are situations where the beloved pets saved their owners.

We all know animals who alert their people to upcoming medical problems. They can sense diabetic issues and pick up when someone will have a seizure. The bond is so strong that not only can they see medical trouble, but they psychically pick it up too. You know your fur baby, and I’m sure you have seen things like this.

Did you know that pets will alert you to the paranormal? A dog will bark at the closet or the corner of the room for seemingly no reason. After alerting, something strange happens. An object will move on its own, or lights will flicker. Sometimes closet doors will slam by themselves. Your pet picks up something that is unseen to protect you.

You can try a fun experiment to see just how psychic your pet really is. When you have some free time, sit down with your fur baby and picture an object that your pet can go get or simply play with. A lot of times it helps if you close your eyes and focus quietly on this object. With time you will see your pet move toward the object or outright go get it. That’s right, there are times when your pet will do something after you simply thought about it.

Animals are psychic, and the love we share with our pets knows no bounds. The emotional tie we have is strong and lasts forever. Even after an animal passes, people will say they hear or even see their beloved animal. That is because your pet loves you and always wants to keep you safe and happy. Give your fur baby an extra hug today to let them know how much you love them.

Contact  deborahkauflin   @  gmail.com

Are psychics abducted by aliens?

Photo by Veronika Malchevska on Pexels.com

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.


Aliens seem to have a keen interest in psychics. Abductees who are not psychic have told me that ET’s who took them gave them interesting information. Extraterrestrials pay particular attention to psychics and want contact with them. And psychics themselves have picked up on this too.

I know a lot of psychics, and I am psychic myself. Almost every psychic I know has had some kind of alien contact experience. About a quarter of them had good contact, and three quarters had some kind of negative result from abduction.

Those who said they had a negative abduction suffered from illness and/or injuries afterward. They had the typical scars which appeared overnight, bleeding, eye problems, head pain, new allergies, heart rhythm issues, as well as new illnesses. The illnesses tended toward neurological and autoimmune disorders. It caused psychological distress and interfered with daily living. In short, the psychics who were taken suffered because of it.

When I was talking with my psychic friends, there was a lot of fear and uncertainty that came with their recollections. They had missing time, and when I asked them to describe the entities they saw, they were nervous and afraid. They patently told me that they never wanted to see these things again. These psychics felt violated and were not happy about what happened.

On the other hand, those who say they had positive contact felt as if the aliens were their ‘real’ family. They believed that they came from the stars and are out of place here on Earth. Their views about contact are very different. Many state that they received gifts from the ET’s. Several mentioned that they almost seemed to be able to slow or speed up time after contact. They felt more at peace in their lives. Their psychological state improved.

Often, their psychic skills increased after meeting with aliens. They viewed it as a blessing and considered the extraterrestrials to be friends. During contact, they were shown advanced technologies which they had trouble explaining. One example was piloting a craft using the mind alone.

Interestingly, those with negative contact said that their psychic skills got way better after extraterrestrial contact. These people got terrible headaches or migraines as well.  There was a price to pay for the increased abilities. In the end, the gift of better ‘seeing’ was not good enough to override the bad aspects of what happened to them.

Why would extraterrestrials seek out psychics? Perhaps it is because they are psychic themselves? Maybe they rev up abductee skills as an experiment. Could it be that they like the psychics they help?

I have been asked if I have ever been taken. The short answer is ‘no.’ While I have had dreams of strange creatures, I have never had anything like the experiences which I have studied.  In the dreams I have had, I have seen what look like Reptilians, blue creatures, and traditional Greys. I’ve gotten messages from these dreams, and I will say my psychic ability got better after I began delving into this subject.  But, of course, that could be because I research this phenomenon, and my mind is preoccupied with it. I will say that I have seen things before they have happened, but like most psychics, it rarely involves something in my personal life. We have trouble reading for ourselves.

The more you dig into this subject, the more you realize what you don’t know. These things are reclusive and often misleading. It almost seems as if they are playing with us much like a cat plays with a mouse. Just because they give things to some people does not mean that they are not bad. One of my criminal profiling research studies I did years ago focused on sadistic serial killers. I interviewed them on Death Row and examined their backgrounds. I created new profiles of these killers which I used on my criminal profiling case work and in my lectures for law enforcement. The sadistic killers in particular would be nice at times in their lives. They liked doing that because in their minds, they were playing God. They decided when they were good or bad. Maybe aliens are like this too.

The truth is that they remain hidden and give us information that they want us to have. This is true with the paranormal in general. You get the breadcrumbs which they lay out for you to follow. This can be very frustrating because we know something is there, but just what is it? I’ve seen enough and interviewed enough people to know that there is a reality to this phenomenon. It exists. What is scary is that paranoral entities seem to be able to read our minds. This puts us at a terrible disadvantage, even if they are generally benevolent.

If you have information you would like to share with me regarding this topic, email me. I’m learning right along with all of you.

Contact: Deborahkauflin  @  gmail.com

Psychic dream sharing

Photo by Olena Bohovyk on Pexels.com

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.


We have all had weird dreams. Some are downright scary, while others are almost pure bliss. There are very ugly and pretty things in dreamland. People, creatures, and objects we have never seen before appear before our eyes. We see the strange and unusual in this dream state, and sometimes we visit other people’s dreams.

That is right. We can share dreams with other people. It happens more than you think. When we sleep, we travel. Our consciousness leaves us and goes on long journeys. It can visit other dimensions and other times. Occasionally, our consciousness will meet up with someone else’s.

This happens when we have a psychic connection. You do not even need to know a person in regular life. You may have never even met. Still, you may have some psychic link which guides you to their consciousness. At a certain time and place, people can meet up. In some cases, your mind will meet extraterrestrials. There are places with beings you may not recognize. The surroundings may seem strange. You are really there psychically, remote viewing the location.

In shared dreams, people report talking to one another or going through something together. There is a bond in the dream state. In fact, you can become friends with someone you have never met in ‘real’ life. While you may not know them when you are awake, you may be best buddies when your consciousness travels during sleep.

I’ve heard such interesting stories from people about this. One case involved two police officers who somehow met up in a dream and saw the killer they were looking for. They both remembered seeing him and could describe him in detail. When they ultimately found the murderer, he looked exactly as he appeared in the dream they shared.

Another case occurred when two sisters met in a dream where they were getting on a plane to travel for work. One sister was indeed going to fly for work the following week in real life. Here is the interesting part. While in the shared dream, both sisters were on the plane which experienced terrible turbulence. The sister who was scheduled to travel was hurt badly by hitting her head in the dream. The two spoke the following day and were shocked when each could describe exactly what happened. This scared the one sister so much that she rescheduled her flight for a different time and airline. It was lucky that she did. The plane she was supposed to take suffered a problem which resulted in several people being hurt and taken to the hospital. Both women were thankful for their shared dream because it was a warning that something bad was going to happen.

These shared dreams tend to occur when there is some kind of message that needs to get through. Do spirits bring people together for these dreams? Is it ET’s who give the warnings? If you have one of these special dreams, pay attention. Someone is trying to give you a message. Remember when you go to sleep tonight, you may just meet up in another dimension with a long lost friend.

Contact deborahkauflin  @ gmail.com

Psychics working with ET’s

Photo by Arthur Ogleznev on Pexels.com

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.

ET’s are taking credit for things. They have their alien fingers in a lot of pies around the Earth.  I’ll be talking about the various activities they have been engaged in with future posts. Today, I will be talking about how psychics are working with extraterrestrials. I’ve spoken to many, many alien abductees, and I am friends with a lot of psychics. I’m also psychic myself. With information from all these sources, it became clear that otherworldly entities are actively involved in our affairs. And they do talk to psychics. They are, after all, psychic themselves.

Whether inadvertently or on purpose, psychics are dealing with aliens. How do I know? ET’s are taking credit for it. The quote I received directly was “psychics on Earth trust ET’s.”

I asked abductees, other psychics, and put out the question myself as to what that meant, exactly. The reply was “aliens give psychics impressions.” ET’s can share information. They seem to know a lot about the past, present, and future. The information is sparingly doled out to various psychics around the world.

They state that they will try to prepare humans for big events which will come. In fact, they have done this in the past. By giving psychics bits of information, they say they are trying to help. Sometimes they have predicted things like attacks and illnesses as well as cures. Though silent, I am told many countries know this. They keep it hidden for many reasons.

You have to ask why only bits of information are divulged? Clearly there is some kind of block to full disclosure. I am not sure if ET’s are allowed to share or if they simply do not want to give full details of things to come. What I do know is that they are claiming credit for some data sharing.

Another question is which aliens are talking? Are they all participating? Is it one species who divulge information? The difficulty comes in because, more often than not, psychics do not see who is giving information. They simply pick it up. We really don’t know who is talking to us.

Then there is the problem that ET’s can make humans see what they want them to see.  So even if a psychic says he saw a grey alien who gave him accurate predictions, that psychic would not know what was really there. All the psychic would know is if the information came true. I will say that it does come true. And it happens a lot. Yet, we don’t know who we are truly speaking with, and that presents a group of problems.

The secrecy on all fronts is maddening. ET’s keep their cards close to the vest. Governments are skittish about this topic. I will say that there is a country that is not technically well advanced, and it has way more information about aliens than other more developed countries. This would not be considered a first world country. They have something of great value from entity encounters, and they are hiding it.

Why are they making themselves known more now? What is on the agenda?

ET’s are talking. Are you listening?

Spiritdeb.com    email   deborahkauflin   @  gmail.com

Psychics Attract Broken People

Photo by Alain Abou-Atmeh on Pexels.com

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.

Why are you always so tired? No matter what you do, you can’t seem to find energy. All of a sudden you feel sad and can’t shake it off. And don’t get me started about the jerks who flock to you and rain on your parade. The negativity can really take a toll.

Psychic skills are a gift and a curse. Sometimes, your abilities can impact whether you can go out and have fun with friends. Other times, your skills can actually hamper your work if you are too good at what you do. You can have excessive tiredness, anxiety, and mood changes. One minute you feel fine; the next, you are miserable.

You begin to wonder if the rest of your life will be summed up in one word: tired.

If you are a psychic, this may sound familiar. When you have psychic abilities, you are a healer for others. Whether you know it or not, you have the ability to soothe people’s pain, even physical pain. For that reason, broken and sick people are drawn to you. They instinctively know you are the one to go to. You are like a magnet for those who are suffering, a light in the darkness.

While it is wonderful to have the gift of healing, it can be draining for you. It can make you sick! Psychic work is challenging because it is a constant balancing act. As you tend to others, you can lose yourself. You are so concerned with others, you can forget your own needs. If you do not take the time to refill your empty emotional tanks, illness will find you. Exhaustion can take over.

Whenever damaged people seek your help, you may be unconsciously absorbing their bad energy. Not only that, but your good energy can be depleted. It is so important for you to take steps to shield yourself from negative energy intrusion. Taking care of your own needs must be at the top of your list. You do not give yourself enough self love and care if you are feeling run down and unhappy. If you are psychic, you naturally will feel like you need to help others. Sometimes, that pushes your needs to the bottom of the list. That just cannot be. You must pamper yourself. Your happiness is vital.

Second, you must put up a psychic wall to prevent others’ negativity from impacting your essence. Don’t make the mistake of skipping this step. You need to get in the habit of doing this daily. This can be done in several ways. You can picture a bright light surrounding you or even a protective spirit animal to guard you. If you mentally call a spirit animal for help, it will come. Whatever method you feel comfortable with is what you should use.

Remember that you must replenish your positive energy reserves after each reading. Sometimes it is necessary to do this when you are out in public. Bad energy from other people can creep into your aura, even when you are just walking down the street. The more psychic you are, the more likely this will happen to you.

You have to remember that you are like a beacon to those in the darkness. People want to rid themselves of their pain. They may not dump it on you on purpose, but they will do it. They are trying to stop their own pain. You must cleanse yourself of the bad vibes. If you find that you are unhappy, you are not doing enough for yourself. Remember, pamper yourself. You deserve happiness and good energy.

The more tired you feel, the more you need to build your reserves back up. Your fatigue is a sign that the universe needs you to step back, if only for a few hours. You cannot help others if you don’t help yourself.

Do we really have free will?

Photo by Kaique Rocha on Pexels.com

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.

Free will may be an illusion. Oh, we think we are in charge of everything in our lives. We make choices. Some we regret, and others we love. As we go through life, we make tons of decisions every day. All of us share the belief that we make our own paths. What if that isn’t true? What if you learned that the future is predestined, no matter what you do?

It may seem ridiculous, but please hear me out. Psychics have the ability to see the future. I’ve done it. I know others who have done it. You may have seen the future when you have a flash in your mind or a prophetic dream. Have you ever dreamt of something only to later have it come true? This isn’t unusual. Many people get glimpses of the future. A lot of times it happens when you least expect it. Some people even predict the timing of their own deaths or simply know they will die young. And that is exactly what happens.

I know of psychic circles where people get together and attempt to make predictions about the future. Some of us psychics will do this just when we are hanging out as friends. The results can be amazing. There are cases where the predictions are eerily accurate.

To give a basic example, I did a reading for a friend and told her she was going to win some money within two weeks. I said it was not huge lottery jackpot money, but it would be a few thousand dollars which would help her. What she hadn’t told me was that she was planning a trip to a casino that weekend which was in two days. When she returned, she contacted me because she had won $3000.00. I have psychic friends who have predicted when a body would be found in a homicide case. These predictions came true as well. People have predicted plane crashes and other tragedies. I’ve predicted specific terror attacks and the when/where/who would be involved.

We see these things before they happen, or is it truly BEFORE? If we can see the future, does that mean it is written in stone? When we preview what is to come, are we influencing it? How can we see it if it has not already been written?

You can argue that if we see what is going to happen, then it is predestined. If it is not predetermined, how can we see it? When psychics or anybody sees the future and it unfolds as predicted, it appears as if choices don’t matter. This leads to a lot of questions. How in control are we in our lives? If life is predetermined, who predetermines it? Do we have a simple illusion of free will?

If time occurs all at once, does that mean time is folded on itself (past, present, future) and maybe a psychic can see different times which occur simultaneously? Still in order to view another time, it has to have happened. You would have nothing to examine otherwise. You cannot see what isn’t there.

Are we viewing the future in another dimension where it has already occurred? Again, to read it, it has to be written. One could say it was only a potential future that psychics see, but when that future happens, it is no longer a potential. It took place. So when you psychically view it, you have viewed something already written. You can argue that it was only a potential future which was brought about by personal choices. Yet, in order to see it, you have to have something to see. You saw something that was already there. Somehow, it was already there to view. This topic can spin you around in circles.

Dr. Barry Taff did a lot of research on this and said we may not like the answers once we discover what is really happening. When we unravel all these mysteries of the paranormal, we may not be fond of the truth. We may be less in control than we think. In fact, we may have no control at all. It could all be an illusion of free will.

Contact deborahkauflin   @  gmail.com


How to be psychic with animals

Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels.com

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.

If you are reading this, then chances are that you love animals. The creatures who surround us as pets and in nature are sentient beings. They think, and they feel. You will see them show compassion to their offspring or siblings. And your pets absolutely adore you. They feel love.

You may notice that your pets sense when something is wrong with you. Whether it is a physical ailment or emotional trauma, they will be by your side with concern. They know something is wrong. They are connected to you.

Did you know that you can psychically talk to animals? You do not need words with your furry friends. You can simply use your mind to speak to them. One does not even need to be in the same room with them. You can be across town and reach them with your thoughts. Animals have heightened senses, so they are always scanning the environment.

If you want to talk with your animals using psychic ability, use these steps.

To begin, you must become calm. Find a place where you will not be bothered.  Then, you need to relax. The best way to do that is to get comfortable and close your eyes. Then you clear your mind. Take slow deep breaths one by one until you calm yourself. It may take you longer than you think to do this since our world is so hectic. You will know when you reach a perfect state because you will feel wonderful and relaxed. Once that is done, proceed to step two.

Second, use your mind to picture what you want to communicate to your animal. Imagine the scene that you want. Do you want your dog to stop doing something? Do you want your cat to listen? You want his attention before you can tell him what to do. Begin by calling his name in your head while picturing yourself with the animal. This could take a while for your animal to learn what you are doing. If you are in the same room with your pet, you can slowly open your eyes to see if you have his attention. Once you have your pet’s attention, go to step three.

Third, concentrate on a happy scenario with your animal. In the image, stroke your animal and tell him how much you love him. Keep this movie scenario in your head while focusing on you with your pet. Repeat this image over and over as you retain the connection with your animal’s mind. During this time, you need to keep calm. The more relaxed you are, the more you will be able to connect with your animal.

Fourth, in your mind, think of what you want your pet to do. Use your mind to create an image of what you want. Imagine it like you would in a daydream. Focus on your animal and talk directly to it in your thoughts. Replay the image repeatedly. Again, you must keep the connection to your pet as you do this. Keep focusing on putting the image in your animal’s head.

If you find yourself getting frustrated, repeat steps one through three and set the stage again. Don’t give up. These things take time.

Eventually you will be amazed by the results. It will take a while, but with practice you can do this. I have quieted wild birds and other animals doing this technique. It works. Animals will listen to you if you give them the chance. They WANT to talk to us. Too often people get frustrated because they want instant results. Psychic work takes practice, and if you are willing to put in the time, you will see progress. This will also help you with your psychic ability overall. You will find it is easier to use your psychic skills the more you do this. Whether you want to practice mind over matter, remote viewing, or predicting the future, use these steps and apply them to what you are are looking to do. Remember that you are psychic and can do this.

Contact deborahkauflin   @ gmail.com

Are you mysteriously drawn to someone?

Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Pexels.com

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.

Have you ever met someone and felt like you already knew that person? Is there an individual who intrigues you, though there is no apparent reason for it? Does someone just stick in your mind? It is like there is some kind of magic pulling you to this person. You probably don’t even understand why.

This is very common. You are not the only person who has gone through this. What you might not know is that there is a paranormal element to this. Everyone is psychic to some extent. Some people are better at it than others due to natural innate ability. But every person reading this has psychic skills. You may not even be aware of it. Trust me. You do.

How is this relevant to being drawn to someone for some strange reason?

We are all interconnected through consciousness, so you can pick up when someone has a similar vibration to you. You may be drawn to someone because your consciousness is somehow already interacting with that person on another level. Our psychic minds are always scanning our environment for data and giving us feedback. If you are mysteriously drawn to someone, you may psychically be interacting already. You may be picking up on that person’s energy field.

The person may be a teacher for you. Maybe there is a lesson you need to learn, and this person can teach you this lesson. Our souls are always searching for growth, so we seek out what helps us move forward. Think of the times you met someone and knew this person would be instrumental in your life. You just knew. Then as time goes by, you find out you were right.

Sometimes you need healing, and a particular person is good for your soul. You sense this and are drawn to the person. Your soul is in need and searching for ways to heal. So, we can seek out those with the ability to mend us. You may recognize something about that person that you admire or have in yourself. The vibration is similar.

There is a possibility you knew each other in a past life. You could be old friends from another time. Then when you see your old pal in this life, your spirit recognizes it immediately. There is an instant comfort and compatibility. This happens quite a bit as we make our way through life.

You could be astral traveling at night while asleep and interacting with the consciousness of another person. If you are seeking something, and most people are, then you do this naturally as you sleep. Your psychic self actually goes somewhere else as you get some shut eye. Sometimes your dreams are more than dreams. Sometimes they are real. Your spirit explores while you sleep. These are not dreams but travels. They seem different from normal dreams and very vivid. You will remember them. When you astral travel in your sleep, you are searching for what you need.

When you use your psychic ability, you are connecting with something that is outside of yourself. Consciousness is limitless yet connected. You can do more with your mind than you know. There are many paranormal reasons that you are strangely drawn to a person. When you find yourself feeling pulled to someone for no reason, your mind is telling you that you are searching for something missing in your life. You want and need to grow. When you psychically connect with another who has a similar vibration to you, it helps restore you. It can even be healing. Your mind craves connection and learning. Behind the scenes, your psychic self is venturing out to help you get what you need. As you get older, you mind does this even more. The more you learn, the more you want to know. You will always be seeking out those with like vibration, teachers, old friends, and healers. So don’t worry if you find yourself in this position. Your psychic self is just doing what it naturally does: reaching out for connections.

Contact   Deborahkauflin   @  gmail.com

Belief can make you more psychic

Photo by Gantas Vaiu010diulu0117nas on Pexels.com

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.

Belief dictates the power of your mind. I am going to repeat that. Belief dictates the power of the mind

Our minds are massively powerful, more so than you may ever realize. Your ability to believe you can do something will determine whether you can do it. Research has shown that people who believe they are psychic do better with their psychic abilities. What so many people do not understand is that we are all psychic. Some have more natural ability than others, but everyone reading this has psychic skills. You just may not know it.

This is so very important because if you understand this, you will be able to do much more with your life. Too many people are dismissive of anything outside of our five senses. This hinders any natural psychic ability you may have. Belief will make it easier to connect with things which are unseen. When you believe, you won’t have a mental block in place to prevent you from sensing what is right around you. Why? You will be more psychic when you remove doubt.

Once you get rid of your mental block, you will have more contact with ghosts and ET’s. I know many people who were downright skeptics who began going on ghost hunts. After a while, they experienced all kinds of supernatural things. The more they opened up, they more they experienced. What you will notice is that your abilities will skyrocket when you take away the false notion that you can’t do something. If you think you can’t, then you can’t. You have to force yourself to think differently.

One could call it mind over matter, which it is. Whatever you want to name it, once you believe you can do something, then you will make progress. Belief unlocks the power of your thoughts. Thoughts are alive.  They impact us in every way. We can think ourselves sick, and we can think ourselves well. I’ll give you an example. Say someone is dying but wants to live long enough for a certain event. Despite all dire predictions of doctors, the person is able to live just long enough to see the event. The mind does that. Our will power does that.

The more everyone realizes that belief can impact all parts of their lives, the more powerful they become. Psychic abilities allow you to visit other places and connect with other entities. Increased psychic ability helps protect you and guide you to the right path. If you feel like you are stuck in life, you must first believe you can do something different before you can.

You need to change the way you think and focus on knowing you CAN pick up psychic information. You can talk with those who have passed all by yourself. First, you must believe that there are things out there that we cannot see. Understand that your loved ones who have crossed over are still alive in spirit. Believe that your mind is more powerful than you think.

If you transform your thoughts, your life will change. Take steps to open your mind. Mediate. Read about aliens, ghosts, and other phenomena. Get involved in paranormal groups. Let yourself believe.

When you realize that your abilities can be endless, you will come into your own power. You will grow as a person and find more contentment in your life. Mind over matter actually matters. Belief dictates the power of the mind.

Contact Deborahkauflin   @   gmail.com