Tag Archives: extraterrestrials

Extraterrestrials use implants on other ET’s

Photo by One Special Day on Pexels.com

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D. 10-16-23

Aliens do use implants. Much like humans, they like to keep track of their livestock. From what I have been told, extraterrestrials use implants on many species, including other aliens. Certain ET’s have a hierarchy. It is almost like a caste system.

Those at the top of the pyramid can be arrogant and cruel. They consider themselves to be logical beings. To them, it is logical to tag creatures they use. They want to know how humans and others are doing psychologically and physically. Plus, they want to know where their ‘property’ is at all times. In some cases, the implants are used to control and even harm.

I have been told that another species of ET which I have never heard of before is one who uses these implants on fellow aliens. This group considers itself superior and extraordinary. They use other extraterrestrials as slaves. Their psychic abilities are exceptional, and they can kill using a thought. At the same time, they are enamored with technology and use it a lot. They are explorers who are skilled at many languages.

For such an advanced species, they also seem obsessed with lesser species. It is almost as if they are lonely, but that makes no sense. I have been told they are hostile to humans. That is interesting in and of itself. Hostile to humans yet drawn to them. Love/hate? But they hold greater disdain for other extraterrestrials than humans.

So how are implants used in other ET’s different from those in humans?

These types of alien implants actually include some component of or DNA of the aliens who use them. This is different from the implants which have been found in humans. The human implants did not have something from the aliens themselves.

The extraterrestrials responsible for putting implants in other ET’s would consider such implants primitive because they can do something with consciousness itself, including moving it. Still, they use the implants. In a way, in doing so they are leaving breadcrumbs for us to follow.

I cannot seem to get the name or description of the extraterrestrials who are doing this. I will keep trying. It does not appear as if this applies to the Greys, Reptilians, Tall Whites, Trantaloids or others I have heard of. If you know who this article describes, let me know. I am learning with all of you.

contact: deborahkauflin @ gmail.com

ET’s wear masks

Photo by Tom Whyte on Pexels.com

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.

What does an extraterrestrial look like? Are they the Greys we have heard so much about? Maybe they are the Reptilians who are the bad boys of the galaxy. Perhaps they are mere energy balls which float in the air in front of our very eyes, much like Glinda the good witch in the Wizard of Oz. The list of various ET sightings goes on and on. They could be the tall whites. But what do these things truly look like?

It is harder to answer than you might think. These creatures are very secretive for reasons they do not share. They go so far as to sometimes give false information to alien contactees. And to make matters worse, it seems that they can look any way they like to us. It may be that they can manifest in any form because they can control what we see or perceive.

Because of this, these things essentially wear masks. Since they can manipulate our neurological systems, they can make us see what they want us to see. So, what you think you see, you may not be seeing. These reports of Grey creatures may be just that: reports. The ET’s may not look like that at all. Same for the ‘other’ aliens. They might not be ‘other’ at all. It could be the same group messing with us.

It gets stranger. There are reports of alien abductees seeing an actual mask on the entities. Whether for protection from our atmosphere or us, enough people have brought this up to take it seriously. They even go as far as to wear fake eyes. Some describe it as being like sunglasses without the rims. Maybe it is for eye protection. For instance, the big black eyes the Grey aliens are famous for may not be their eyes at all. The point is, they wear fake faces. These things do not want us knowing who they really are and what they are up to.

I and other psychics have tried to remote view them. I have been flat out told that they do wear masks. This comes from many different remote viewers and psychics. Whether this is literal or figuratively, I do not know. It could be both. This, of course, is infuriating if you are trying to get to the truth.

Try to talk to an ET. Give it a shot. You will see that they are rarely straight forward. Sometimes they will communicate with us, but it is very hard to get information out of them. It is like pulling teeth. However, I was given a prediction by them about a very important event in my life which did come true. This is not the norm though. They are remarkably secretive as to their goals. For their own reasons, they do not want us to know the truth. No matter how you paint it, that is a problem for us.

I think as we learn more about this phenomenon, we will find out that it is totally different than we expect. So many lies have been told by the entities themselves and by humans with agendas. Ask yourself: who wears masks to hide who they are? For a long time, information has been kept from us.  This has hurt us as a species. It is like we are being kept in a dark age on purpose. We are being lied to from all sides. The sad part is that humanity suffers in the meantime. We are beyond due the truth, but who can we believe? I would trust your average third grader more than most people who are charged with doling out information about ET’s and UFO’s. It is past time for the ET’s to take their masks off.

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.


Do ET’s manipulate human emotions in order to feel?

Aliens lie to humans.

Aliens scare humans.

Aliens help humans.

In a nutshell, it looks like ET’s manipulate humans. From talking to a lot of alien abductees, I have learned that extraterrestrials do things to elicit emotional responses from people. When they contact individuals or even groups, extraterrestrials elicit every separate emotion that we human beings have. From fear to love, one of the goals of contact appears to be emotional expression.

A lot of abductees say that when taken, the aliens seem cold and emotionally distant. Some even claim the ET’s have no emotions at all. Along those lines, others state that extraterrestrials are robots that cannot have feelings. In such cases, the question becomes, who or what made these artificial intelligences. But that is for another article.

I have seen patterns in the ET abductions. Regarding emotion, it is quite common for the aliens to do things to bring about different sentiments. And when those emotions come forth, it is as if the aliens are trying to jointly experience those feelings in certain cases.

For example, there was a case where a 56-year-old Caucasian female was repeatedly taken. She would revert to an almost little girl status and “hide under the covers” to stop the aliens from getting her. Those are her words. When she would pull the covers up over her head, the ET’s would slowly raise the blankets and peek under them, much like a villain in a horror movie. This of course made the woman terrified, and when that happened, one of the ET’s would get in her face and intently stare into her eyes. She described it as a feeling of connection. It was as if the alien was trying to feel what she was feeling. “It was in my mind,” she said.

In a lot of cases, once the connection has been made, the abductee becomes sleepy and passes out. This is what happened to the woman in the above example. It is like the alien stare is akin to a drug. It could be that ET’s can manipulate our nervous systems and our brains much like high EMF levels can.

In another case, a young 23-year-old Black female reported having nice experiences with the aliens. They would come to her room and she would float away, through walls, with them. They too would stare into her eyes. In her case, the feeling that she had was very pleasurable. It was clear the ET was making her feel very good. Her statement was “it was like a warm blanket of love.” When this happened, she said it was like something was surrounding her entire body, like an energy field. This was a great feeling for her.

In yet another case, a 37-year-old Caucasian male reported that he was abducted multiple times. Each time, he would be restrained and it made him very, very angry. He would fight and curse at his abductors. When this happened, an ET would come and force him to stare into its eyes. He did not feel peace right away. Instead he was left in this rage state for a while and then he was put to sleep. He said it was like the creature was getting in his head to “feel’ what he was feeling. Afterward, he felt violated and furious.

It is not clear what actually is happening when the aliens stare into the eyes of abductees during a time when emotions are strong. However, it does seem like the ET’s are engaging in some kind of connection when this occurs.

Are they testing the biological bodily functions when this happens? Do they feel emotion through us? Is there some kind of sustenance they get from this process? Are we just lab rats? I do not know the answer, but I am looking. If you have experienced something like this, know that others have been through it. If you have gone through something like this and would like to share, please contact me at: deborahkauflin   @ gmail.com. I keep your identity confidential.

Aliens communicate with clicking sounds

By Deborah Kauflin, Ph.D.

I wrote this article back in 2015 and it resonated with so many people that I am re-running it. Enjoy.

Aliens do speak. They talk just like you and me. Well, maybe not exactly like us, but they do communicate. While it has been widely reported that aliens have visited us and that telepathy is the preferred manner with which they ‘talk,’ there are many incidences where humans report aliens ‘speaking’ in clicks. I have heard the sounds when examining witness recordings, and the sounds are somewhat similar to dolphin clicks. However, it is not exactly the same.

It is important to note that those who have come into contact with extraterrestrials have had vastly different experiences. Though the majority report negative contact, there are a few who have had pleasant interactions. In either case, aliens did communicate. Telepathy was more common, but the clicking is widely reported too.

The hallmarks of these encounters are many. First, in the ‘clicking cases’ as I like to call them, witnesses report seeing UFO’s AND aliens. They usually go hand and hand in these types of sightings. Either witnesses see a UFO immediately preceding the encounter or right after.

Second, unusual creatures are seen, often by multiple witnesses. The entities are described as having skin that looks rubbery and varies from green to grey. The body is thin. Strangely, people have trouble describing the head. Some say they just couldn’t get a good look at it. Those who did said that the creatures had big ‘eyes’ which either were blackish or were glowing.

Third, witnesses reported that the aliens did not want to be spotted. In short, extraterrestrials would hide and peek around objects to watch humans. This type of thing happens outside more than indoors. Frequently, it takes place near or in a wooded area.

When people catch sight of these beings, the clicking sounds are heard. It is as if the aliens are surprised when caught and then ‘speak.’ Usually these extraterrestrials back off once seen, but they do come back. It is like they become fascinated with certain people and want to keep track of them.

Fourth, witnesses also report hearing these clicking sounds coming from electric devices which are unplugged and non-battery operated shortly after seeing UFO’s and aliens. It is not clear whether the entities are using these devices or if something else is going on. But enough people have reported it to note it.

Fifth, most clicking cases are associated with abduction. While people may not necessarily remember all of their abduction time, they remember enough of it. Plus, they repot having fresh cuts or scars following these events. The cuts are symmetrical as if done intentionally, like a surgery. Almost always, those who go through this report pain. These are not good contacts. Victims say that they observe aliens touching and prodding them while expressing little to no concern for comfort. Though there may be one alien that shows compassion, the others are basically without empathy, like psychopaths.

The few people who report good experiences say they were not abducted. They only saw extraterrestrials and UFO’s and heard the clicking sounds. They were not victims of experimentation. This could be the result of one of two things. Either there are different types of aliens who use the same clicking sounds or those who report positive experiences have not YET had abduction. Sightings suggest that there are more than one type of alien.

In summary, the clicking aliens appear to be observing us. They tend to keep their distance but come close enough to be heard and seen, but they never engage fully. The majority of contacts produce intense fear and leave witnesses shaken. Abductees refer to themselves as victims because they feel violated. Having been observed and even taken without their consent, they are rightfully angry and frightened.

Because there is so much social stigma, those who have these contacts are reluctant to come forward. They don’t want to lose careers or be painted with the crazy label. There are so many reports worldwide which are consistent that you have to question what is happening. There is no way governments can be oblivious. But still, the alien concept is mocked widely. One wonders if this is done on purpose to keep people quiet.

In any event, if you have had such an experience, please let me know. I keep your name confidential. I’m only looking to research these incidences and gather information.