Alien Healing

Copyright Deborah Schurman-Kauflin, Ph.D.

I have written extensively about my belief that alien contact is not benevolent. There are countless tales of ET abductions where victims suffer horrific consequences from being taken. 

While I do believe that much alien contact is bad for the victims, there are cases in which the contactees experienced healings. Such cases are much more rare than those where the victims are hurt. 

Since we do not know everything about ET’s, it is hard to say exactly what they are and which ones are here. For that reason there is a possibility that there are some who are benevolent.

Here are a few examples of the contactees I have interviewed who had wonderful things happen as a result of being taken. 

One experiencer named Michelle reported having her hearing restored in a compromised ear. This 52 year old female suffered from Ménière’s disease and had lost hearing in one of her ears. She had suffered for several years with this condition. Doctors offered this woman little help and in fact were outright dismissive of her suffering. When the medicinal profession had written her off, she had resigned herself to living this way for the rest of her life. 

She had reported ET abductions since she was a child. Both she and her brother      remembered the ‘dreams’ they both had as little children. Each remember walking to the window at night and then being pulled through it. It always terrified them when they were little.  Yet when she was taken as a an adult, she found the experiences much more appealing. The last time she was taken, the ET’s had her on a hard table and kept putting their eyes very close to her bad ear. This happened over and over.  Michelle did not feel anything when this happened.When she awoke the next day, she could hear perfectly out of her bad ear and has never had a problem since.

Another contactee, an African American man named Ben had suffered from a blood disorder  his entire life. He was in his 60’s when he reported being taken by aliens. No one else in his family ever experienced such an incident. However, his wife had seen a light shine through their window the night of his abduction. Unlike Michelle, he at first was scared when he awoke on a table, like one in a doctor’s examination room. Ben struggled as much as he could which was not much at all. He couldn’t move. Pretty much all he could move were his eyes. He could see a large silver needle which one put in his groin. He wanted to scream but could not. Why would they put it in his groin? That was all he remembered. 

However, the next day after waking up, he felt noticeably better than he had in years. As the days progressed, he got better and better. His joints no longer hurt. His eyes were better. He no longer had heart palpitations. It was so strange that he made an appointment with his doctor who was confused as to why Ben was there. People don’t usually go to the doctor when they are feeling better. Ben explained that something was very different and he wanted blood tests to see what was going on. A panel was done, and his blood work was fantastic. His cholesterol was low, which it had not been in years. And better yet, his blood disorder was no longer detectable. His doctor could not explain it. The tests were repeated in a month and were the same. No blood disorder.

Both Ben and Michelle described the typical Grey type of alien with big black eyes off at an angle. They both remembered the hairs on their arms standing up when the creatures got close to them. However neither has an exact recollection of specifically entering an exam room. They both got a headache when the entities were near them. Neither had any idea why they were chosen and taken.

So the question becomes: are different ET’s abducting people? Is one set healing and others hurting? Or is it the same group doing some good things while hurting the majority? 

There are no clear answers. The problem is that the ET’s are not talking. Messages come via abductees, and many of the messages come through regression therapy. Certainly an advanced creature would have a better way to communicate. So why don’t they? It leaves us to speculate that they do not communicate because they do not want to. It creates more questions than answers. And that is a problem.

For now what we do know is that some lucky people have positive after effects from abduction. These effects appear to be permanent, and the people’s lives improve. No one knows how the ET’s do it or why.

If you have had one of these experiences, please let me know. I am always interested in learning aspects of as many cases as possible. The more we see, the more we can learn. I believe when it is accepted that these beings are here it will change humanity forever.

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