Spirit says ‘follow your heart’

Photo by Kristina Paukshtite on Pexels.com

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.


Your heart is your guide. It seems so simple, and yet we all get away from this at certain points in our lives. The times you walked away from your heart are the times when part of you shut down. Turning away from your heart is turning away from your life.

You see, your heart is a beacon of light for you. Go with your heart, and everything else follows. Listen to that inner guidance because it is vital. Do not listen to the chaos of the world and outside noise. Ignore haters who do not want what is best for you. Your heart will not steer you wrong if you are truly listening to it. It will tell you what is right and what is wrong. You will not have peace if you turn away from it. If you ignore your spirit, your heart, nothing will work out right.

When you pay attention, your path will open up in front of you. Have you ever heard the saying ‘do what you love, and the money will follow?’ This is one example of using your heart as a guide in life. Of course this is true in everything.

Your heart will lead you to the exact spot you need to be. When you listen to it, you will love what you are doing. And when you love what you are doing, then you are happy. This allows you to help others. Then the positivity spreads.

The true path in life brings us to love and light. We get there by doing what comes naturally. All of us want peace and happiness. When we let anger and hatred rule us, we are not listening to our inner selves. Anger eats at you. It destroys. Love lifts you up. Being true to yourself raises your soul to a higher level.

Have you ever heard the phrase ‘the heart wants what the heart wants?’ Well, that is really the truth. Following your heart is following your dreams. Don’t let this depressing world bring you down. The more you tune out the negativity and pay attention to your soul, the more your spirit will grow. This brings you to happiness.

Sometimes we simply are so caught up in everyday troubles that we forget the big picture. We get lost. Now more than any other time, we all need to remember spirit lessons. We need the courage to be who we really are and listen to the subtle whispers within. Our hearts speak to us. Let yourself be still so that you can hear what your heart is saying to you.

If you were led here today to read this, it means that spirit brought you here. This message is very important for you right now.  You need peace and renewal. Life has been very hard for you, and now it is time to heal and play.  You deserve happiness. I am going to repeat that: you deserve happiness. And as always, follow your dreams and follow your heart.

contact deborahkauflin @ gmail.com

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