Psychic connection with your pets

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Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.


Did you know that your pets are psychic? Have you ever noticed that your fur baby always knows what mood your are in and how to comfort you? Not only do they study your body language to figure out how you are feeling, but pets are very intuitive. Your pets have a psychic connection with you.

Let’s take an example. Say you have a bad day. If you are in a separate room, your pet will come to find you. Depending on how you feel, your animal will simply lay with you and give you love or do tricks to make you smile. They spring into action based on what they see and feel.

Your fur babies do not just watch you. They have a love-line to you with their minds. The psychic connection bonds you together. They know when you are happy and sad. Plus, they sense when you are in trouble!

There have been situations where a pet is inside the house and their person is outside and in danger. Somehow the pet knows something is wrong and begins wildly barking or freaking out in the home. This is to alert people inside to the danger. And there are situations where the beloved pets saved their owners.

We all know animals who alert their people to upcoming medical problems. They can sense diabetic issues and pick up when someone will have a seizure. The bond is so strong that not only can they see medical trouble, but they psychically pick it up too. You know your fur baby, and I’m sure you have seen things like this.

Did you know that pets will alert you to the paranormal? A dog will bark at the closet or the corner of the room for seemingly no reason. After alerting, something strange happens. An object will move on its own, or lights will flicker. Sometimes closet doors will slam by themselves. Your pet picks up something that is unseen to protect you.

You can try a fun experiment to see just how psychic your pet really is. When you have some free time, sit down with your fur baby and picture an object that your pet can go get or simply play with. A lot of times it helps if you close your eyes and focus quietly on this object. With time you will see your pet move toward the object or outright go get it. That’s right, there are times when your pet will do something after you simply thought about it.

Animals are psychic, and the love we share with our pets knows no bounds. The emotional tie we have is strong and lasts forever. Even after an animal passes, people will say they hear or even see their beloved animal. That is because your pet loves you and always wants to keep you safe and happy. Give your fur baby an extra hug today to let them know how much you love them.

Contact  deborahkauflin   @

Head shaking when ET near

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Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.


In 2022 I wrote about a vibration sensation when the paranormal is nearby. It is common to feel a body tremor when in a haunted location or when there is evidence of a spirit close by. Something else I have found is that when there is an ET in the vicinity and it wants your attention, your head will shake. It may not be as pronounced as Parkinson’s, but there will be movement. You will feel your head shaking like there is too much pressure in your brain.

I have experienced this when I am channeling ET’s. My head will feel like it is off center and shaking. It feels unsteady, as if you can’t hold your head still. It is like a force is pushing you. Others who have alien contact or abduction have described this as well. It is as if when we are in the presence of aliens, our bodies cannot handle it. This is especially true if they are trying to communicate with you.

Apparently, it can be hard on our human bodies to attempt telepathic communication with these entities. I suspect this has something to do with how our brains are put together and function. ET abilities appear to be more advanced than ours. So, it makes sense that if we try to do what they do, we may have some trouble.

It is also common to feel a tingling sensation when entities are around you. Their attempts at communication produce physiological effects. These effects are undesirable. Sadly, it does not look like the effects disappear with time, at least not for me they have not. I know other psychics as well who suffer from physical issues when channeling.

The question becomes: does interaction with such entities produce long-term damaging injuries?

As we all know, alien abductees do suffer from life-long health problems after contact. So, it would seem to follow that if you engage with extraterrestrials regularly, you may end up with health issues. It is also possible that the effects are temporary. No harm. No foul.

I should also note that those who come into contact with these things suffer from ringing in the ears. The ringing seems to get louder the lengthier the contact. I have written a lot about frequencies and ET’s. It is highly likely that an extraterrestrial uses many frequencies. This could explain the head shaking, the tingling sensation, and the ear ringing.

This subject is very confusing because so many have had such differing experiences. Then, of course, you have fakes who muddy the waters with false stories. Some want fame and money while others are mentally ill. That makes it much more difficult to get to the truth. There is also a lack of information sharing among researchers. And public perception still makes this a somewhat taboo subject.

As always, the scary thing with these creatures seems to be their ability to enter our minds any time that they want. It seems like they can do it from a great distance too. It begs the question, do people have the physiological effects when ET interacts from a large distance? The bottom line is that the paranormal has tangible impacts on humans. The extraterrestrial contact phenomenon has the most physical components.

I’ve heard people say that since they haven’t killed us all, then they must be good. But are they? Simply glance around at the news to see how messed up our planet is. You don’t have to kill people to destroy them. I still say there is some bad element to this phenomenon. There may be benevolent creatures involved, but it looks to me like at least part or some of the entities are not our friends.

contact deborahkauflin @

How to have dream visit with loved one in spirit

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Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.


You may have already had a spirit visit. Do you remember seeing someone you love who has passed appear in your dreams? Was it so real that you were affected by it? Sometimes we are so emotionally moved that we cry when we wake up because we know we were with our loved ones.

Did you know that you can truly ask them to come visit you while you sleep?  Losing someone you love crushes you. The longing for them can be overwhelming. But you are not alone. I believe with my whole heart that we survive after death and live on in spirit. Your loved ones who have passed on are still with you. This can be so difficult to understand. Your heart aches because you miss them so much.

There is a way to see them now, and you can ask them to visit you in your dreams. It is while you are sleeping that you can see them and speak to them. You don’t need to be super psychic. They will come if you ask. It may take time because you are so upset. Sometimes our emotional state can block the other side from appearing to us. You may be so desperate to see and hear your loved one that you unintentionally put up a wall. You must try to calm down and understand that by relaxing, you put yourself into a receptive state. Once you do that, try these steps.

  1. Go to a quiet place where you can be by yourself.
  2. Picture your loved one in your mind.
  3. Begin talking to your loved one. You can simply talk about what is happening in your life and how much you miss them.
  4. Let them know that you are having trouble and need to hear from them.
  5. Ask them to appear to you in your dream.

Though these steps sound very simple, it can be harder than you think in the beginning. At first, it can be extremely difficult to relax. Letting your racing thoughts leave your mind will take a while. You need to practice meditating and just sitting still. With time, you will be able to do this. This may be the longest step in the process.

Once you teach yourself to sit quietly at peace, the other steps come much easier. Picturing your loved one usually comes easily, though if it has been a while, it may take more time. Don’t worry. It will happen.

Please do not feel silly when you begin talking to your loved one. Sometimes people get self conscious about it. When you begin to picture them, you are strengthening your connection. This is actually part of psychic work.

The next step can be trickier. It is an emotional release to let your loved ones know that you are in pain and need to hear from them. It can feel like it is making things worse when you begin because you are letting your hurt out. What happens is that as you go along, it will get easier. It will take as long as it takes. Don’t get discouraged if this is very hard for you. Releasing pain takes time.

Then there is the easy step. Simply ask them to come see you in your dream. Believe me, they will hear you. I cannot guarantee the timing, but you will get a dream visit. Some people get them right away, while it can take months for others. It all depends on your mind set. I know this can be frustrating, but trust the process.

You will get where you need to be. Give yourself grace and time because what you are going through is hard. You are strong and can do this. If you ever feel completely overwhelmed, it may be a good idea to see a therapist. Sometimes talking out your pain can be a wonderful way to begin healing.

For those reading this, I know how hard life has been for you. If you are here then it is a sign for you. Try these steps. Give yourself a break and remember that your loved one is still around you. I can also tell you that if you felt a tingle as you read this, it was your loved one touching you or giving you a hug. Believe that they are there because they are. You will see them again.

Contact  deborahkauflin   @

Are psychics abducted by aliens?

Photo by Veronika Malchevska on

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.


Aliens seem to have a keen interest in psychics. Abductees who are not psychic have told me that ET’s who took them gave them interesting information. Extraterrestrials pay particular attention to psychics and want contact with them. And psychics themselves have picked up on this too.

I know a lot of psychics, and I am psychic myself. Almost every psychic I know has had some kind of alien contact experience. About a quarter of them had good contact, and three quarters had some kind of negative result from abduction.

Those who said they had a negative abduction suffered from illness and/or injuries afterward. They had the typical scars which appeared overnight, bleeding, eye problems, head pain, new allergies, heart rhythm issues, as well as new illnesses. The illnesses tended toward neurological and autoimmune disorders. It caused psychological distress and interfered with daily living. In short, the psychics who were taken suffered because of it.

When I was talking with my psychic friends, there was a lot of fear and uncertainty that came with their recollections. They had missing time, and when I asked them to describe the entities they saw, they were nervous and afraid. They patently told me that they never wanted to see these things again. These psychics felt violated and were not happy about what happened.

On the other hand, those who say they had positive contact felt as if the aliens were their ‘real’ family. They believed that they came from the stars and are out of place here on Earth. Their views about contact are very different. Many state that they received gifts from the ET’s. Several mentioned that they almost seemed to be able to slow or speed up time after contact. They felt more at peace in their lives. Their psychological state improved.

Often, their psychic skills increased after meeting with aliens. They viewed it as a blessing and considered the extraterrestrials to be friends. During contact, they were shown advanced technologies which they had trouble explaining. One example was piloting a craft using the mind alone.

Interestingly, those with negative contact said that their psychic skills got way better after extraterrestrial contact. These people got terrible headaches or migraines as well.  There was a price to pay for the increased abilities. In the end, the gift of better ‘seeing’ was not good enough to override the bad aspects of what happened to them.

Why would extraterrestrials seek out psychics? Perhaps it is because they are psychic themselves? Maybe they rev up abductee skills as an experiment. Could it be that they like the psychics they help?

I have been asked if I have ever been taken. The short answer is ‘no.’ While I have had dreams of strange creatures, I have never had anything like the experiences which I have studied.  In the dreams I have had, I have seen what look like Reptilians, blue creatures, and traditional Greys. I’ve gotten messages from these dreams, and I will say my psychic ability got better after I began delving into this subject.  But, of course, that could be because I research this phenomenon, and my mind is preoccupied with it. I will say that I have seen things before they have happened, but like most psychics, it rarely involves something in my personal life. We have trouble reading for ourselves.

The more you dig into this subject, the more you realize what you don’t know. These things are reclusive and often misleading. It almost seems as if they are playing with us much like a cat plays with a mouse. Just because they give things to some people does not mean that they are not bad. One of my criminal profiling research studies I did years ago focused on sadistic serial killers. I interviewed them on Death Row and examined their backgrounds. I created new profiles of these killers which a used on my criminal profiling case work and in my lectures for law enforcement. The sadistic killers in particular would be nice at times in their lives. They liked doing that because in their minds, they were playing God. They decided when they were good or bad. Maybe aliens are like this too.

The truth is that they remain hidden and give us information that they want us to have. This is true with the paranormal in general. You get the breadcrumbs which they lay out for you to follow. This can be very frustrating because we know something is there, but just what is it? I’ve seen enough and interviewed enough people to know that there is a reality to this phenomenon. It exists. What is scary is that paranoral entities seem to be able to read our minds. This puts us at a terrible disadvantage, even if they are generally benevolent.

If you have information you would like to share with me regarding this topic, email me. I’m learning right along with all of you.

Contact: Deborahkauflin  @

Alien abductions and heart arrhythmia

Photo by Suvan Chowdhury on

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.


ET abductions leave their marks on victims. Implants, scars, radiation exposure, and autoimmune disorders are common. In fact, there is a very large list of damage that alien abduction does to the human body and mind. But the one I am touching on today is the heart.

 From all the alien abductees I have interviewed, a very high number experienced arrhythmias following the contact. Most of these people did not have any history of heart problems prior to the incident. However, afterward, it was a different story.

Abductees began having symptoms such as dizziness, anxiety, fainting, unusual pulse, and wild blood pressure changes. All were seen by doctors to determine the cause of their problems. Each one was diagnosed with some kind of arrhythmia.

Interestingly, many had no history of heart problems in their families. More women than men suffered from this after-effect.  The ages of the abductees who experienced this phenomenon ranged from early twenties to late 60’s. However, a lot in this group began having contact when they were children. The arrhythmia appeared after a specific abduction which was remembered vividly in the age range of twenty to sixties.

Who was behind the abductions? The Greys. And these were not pleasant experiences. Pretty much all of the people taken were scared when they saw the tall Grey aliens. People said the little entities who were half the size of the big ones were not as scary and seemed to take orders from the tall ones. Things were smooth and robotic when it was just the little beings. It was quiet and almost calm. But when the tall Greys would enter the room, abductees would see no empathy from the creatures. Something in their minds told them to be afraid, and they were.

They described the tall Grey face as “hard” and “emotionless.” These Greys did not particularly treat the abductees well either. In these cases, the victims were medically experimented on. Each felt pain and called out for help because of it. It seemed as if the tall Greys were reluctant to help.  The humans yelling out in pain created some kind of emotion in these Greys, but not in a caring way. They were angry that their work was being disturbed. Begrudgingly, the tall Greys would eventually put the person out of misery, usually by staring into their eyes or touching their foreheads.  It wasn’t an act of kindness. It was to shut the victims up.

Upon waking at home, these abductees would often see fresh dried blood on their bodies. Whether from the nose, ears, or mouth, they had bled during their ordeals. Some would see fresh scars on their bodies, while others felt something had been put in their mouths, ears, or areas like their feet.

Very shortly afterward, the abductees began experiencing symptoms of arrhythmia. Because this can impact your life in extreme ways, the people sought out help pretty quickly.  The sad part is that the heart condition was permanent. It remained despite treatment. Timing-wise, it was connected to the phenomenon. People who had this type of abduction experienced a myriad of health issues afterward. Their view of the contact was negative and reamained so. This is very different from the ‘teaching’ abductions where some type of entity imparts knowledge to the contactee. The negative ones were clearly medical experimentation.

What could be happening here? Do you think these abductions are doing something to the hearts of their captives? Is it on purpose? Could these creatures be hunting us for their experimental programs? There are enough people who tell similar stories that you have to ask what is really happening. Something is going on. The topic is fascinating and worthy of study. The paranormal is real. There is something out there beyond us. Are you curious enough to peek and see what is on the other side looking back at you?

Contact deborahkauflin  @

Humans must hold a wave to stop ET


Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.

Mars attacks! We are in grave danger! Well, are we? Are they all evil? Do they really look like the little bug-eyed creatures? Is it true that they are abducting and hurting humans? Can they move from dimension to dimension and consume resources like locusts? Are some good?

I have to be honest. I am learning about ET’s along with all of you. I’ve interviewed a lot of abductees and contactees. I am psychic and know a lot of psychics. I am also friends with other paranormal researchers. But this information about holding a wave comes from my own channeling and not from somewhere else.

Where I get this psychic information, I am not sure. I’d like to think that good ET’s have let me know about how to stop dangerous entities by using waves. I’m no physicist, so I wasn’t completely sure what they were talking about. I asked psychically if it could be explained it to me.

I picked up that humans must hold a wave to stop certain aliens. What kind of wave, I asked. I was told you have to hold a light frequency wave which not only can interfere with certain ET functions, but it also has impacts on time.

The frequencies move and halt atoms. Using multiple frequencies together accelerates or slows certain actions. I am told these frequencies can stop a weapon or redirect it. They can also be used to breach defenses of certain other frequencies. There is a circular nature to this. And there is a way to cut into a frequency to make it ineffective. In other words, you can use frequencies in a war, but an enemy can disable the kind you are using. You have to discover what species responds to which frequencies.

ET’s have used frequencies to communicate, as if using a Morse code. I am told there are scientists who have played around with this. They should be aware that aliens have been experimenting on them as they do so.

Anyone who tries to build such weapons will be successful until the fist time it is to be deployed. There will be a malfunction. These things will be prone to malfunction and can be taken over by an enemy. There would be some kind of back door entrance into this by someone who understands how it works. In other words, an enemy who knows about this could somehow get into it and use it. There is something about redirecting the frequency and time tables. And watch the interval.

For those investigating this, I believe there is a lot of false information out there. If ET’s are involved, they are not always honest. I heard the word ‘decepticon.’ Aren’t those fictional space characters from the movie Transformers? I looked it up and it said Decepticons are concerned with conquering and ruling. This could be who or what researchers have been talking to. Those looking into this need people with good hearts to help them. A good heart will always beat anything else because in the end, you can trust that. When this technology is totally mastered, it will be met with a sense of wonder.

Be aware that if you play with frequencies, they can hurt you, even if you think you have protective gear. It is like there is a frequency that we humans are unaware of which can be used to harm us secretly.

The human wars will seem so small compared to anything we face from another dimension or world. I know there are some who claim that there will be a false flag ET invasion. However, this may not be true. You have to understand that where there is good, there is bad. I am certain that if the abduction stories are true, then there are some evil ET’s who do not have our best interest at heart. Don’t dismiss that because you have only encountered the good. It is far better to be prepared for a threat.

Stress creates spirit portals

Photo by Aidan Roof on

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.


We all live with it. It seems that with every year that passes, our stress levels get higher and higher. Our world moves so fast now that it is hard to keep up. Social media has amped up worry by putting bad news story after bad news story on almost every platform.

A sense of helplessness came from the pandemic, the lockdowns, war, and inflation. For many people, these last few years were filled with financial ruin, deaths, and social isolation. This created massive worldwide stress on a scale that has been terrible.

Don’t forget, however, that stress can come from good sources too. Say you just got into your school of choice or landed your dream job. These are wonderful things. Yet, you will still be stressed. You are excited and maybe a little worried about how you will do. So, anxiety enters the picture. Stress is still there even though something good is happening. And here is where the paranormal comes in.


There are many theories as to what opens up a dimensional portal. Everything from electromagnetic energy to geomagnetic energy has been proposed as a cause. Some suggest that locations with high water tables or thick quartz granite are prime for creating an entrance to another dimension. Basically, there are lots of factors which seem to be connected with the phenomena.

Yet, one thing I can say for sure is that humans who are stressed definitely open up portals. I’ve seen this over and over. Whether you are depressed, have a terrible work environment, or have family fights in the home, the anxiety which emerges acts like a key to the other side. Human beings play a role in portals opening up.

Why would entities be drawn to an environment where there is stress?

Some say that there are beings who feed off of our misery and anxiety. They are parasites whose sustenance is us. Others suggest that our worry is not food, but it is an instrument used to open a paranormal lock. It lets them out of their box, so to speak. You may notice that people who are more emotionally taxed are more prone to paranormal phenomena. Our emotional state is more powerful than we know. Not only can it impact our own bodies (think mind over matter). Our emotions draw entities to us.

There are some who say biological factors impact our connection with the paranormal. That is, there is something in our bodies which makes the paranormal manifest. Could it be the increased cortisol levels which are produced when we face stress? Do brain changes that come about when we are upset make us more able to see and interact with the paranormal? Is there something about our sped up heartbeats and respiration that act like a beacon when we are worrying?

All I can say for sure is that a mental state plays a role in all of this. There are many psychic mediums who got their abilities after having a head injury or illness. Such things create a lot of anxiety. Changes to the brain equaled an increase in psychic skills.

The paranormal is right there beside you as you read this. Remember you are not really alone. Sometimes knowing that can make life a little easier. Watch your stress because it can introduce you to something that you might not be ready to meet. Once these things come in, they can be very difficult to live with, even if they are good entities.

Contact deborahkauflin   @

Psychic dream sharing

Photo by Olena Bohovyk on

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.


We have all had weird dreams. Some are downright scary, while others are almost pure bliss. There are very ugly and pretty things in dreamland. People, creatures, and objects we have never seen before appear before our eyes. We see the strange and unusual in this dream state, and sometimes we visit other people’s dreams.

That is right. We can share dreams with other people. It happens more than you think. When we sleep, we travel. Our consciousness leaves us and goes on long journeys. It can visit other dimensions and other times. Occasionally, our consciousness will meet up with someone else’s.

This happens when we have a psychic connection. You do not even need to know a person in regular life. You may have never even met. Still, you may have some psychic link which guides you to their consciousness. At a certain time and place, people can meet up. In some cases, your mind will meet extraterrestrials. There are places with beings you may not recognize. The surroundings may seem strange. You are really there psychically, remote viewing the location.

In shared dreams, people report talking to one another or going through something together. There is a bond in the dream state. In fact, you can become friends with someone you have never met in ‘real’ life. While you may not know them when you are awake, you may be best buddies when your consciousness travels during sleep.

I’ve heard such interesting stories from people about this. One case involved two police officers who somehow met up in a dream and saw the killer they were looking for. They both remembered seeing him and could describe him in detail. When they ultimately found the murderer, he looked exactly as he appeared in the dream they shared.

Another case occurred when two sisters met in a dream where they were getting on a plane to travel for work. One sister was indeed going to fly for work the following week in real life. Here is the interesting part. While in the shared dream, both sisters were on the plane which experienced terrible turbulence. The sister who was scheduled to travel was hurt badly by hitting her head in the dream. The two spoke the following day and were shocked when each could describe exactly what happened. This scared the one sister so much that she rescheduled her flight for a different time and airline. It was lucky that she did. The plane she was supposed to take suffered a problem which resulted in several people being hurt and taken to the hospital. Both women were thankful for their shared dream because it was a warning that something bad was going to happen.

These shared dreams tend to occur when there is some kind of message that needs to get through. Do spirits bring people together for these dreams? Is it ET’s who give the warnings? If you have one of these special dreams, pay attention. Someone is trying to give you a message. Remember when you go to sleep tonight, you may just meet up in another dimension with a long lost friend.

Contact deborahkauflin  @

Animal Spirit Messengers

Photo by Skyler Ewing on

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.


Have you ever seen an animal appear right as you were missing a loved one who had crossed over? Was there a time when you desperately needed a sign to show you that you were on the right path, and an unusual animal showed up?

These are not coincidences. The animals are spirit messengers. They come to help us in our times of need, just at the right moment. As people grieve for those who they have lost, animals (particularly birds and butterflies) will appear.

I know a woman who lost her daughter in an accident. She was absolutely despondent until something wonderful happened. Every time she went outdoors in her yard and thought about her daughter, two butterflies would show up. Not only would they come in her yard, but they would fly around her head. Both butterflies did this. She wondered if this could be a sign from her daughter.

One day, she got the courage to ask if this was actually her daughter.She said out loud “If this is you Jennifer, please make the butterflies land on my hand.” She sat down by her garden and waited with her hands on her lap, feeling a bit silly for making such a request. To her surprise, the butterflies complied right away, and each one sat on her hands at the same time. The butterflies stayed there for a long time. It was as if they did not want to leave.  She cried as she recognized that her daughter was letting know that she was okay and right there with her. To this day she said that butterflies follow her whenever she goes outside.

A man I know was so depressed after losing his mother. He had lost his job and his mother in the same week. He had been very close to his mother who he talked to every day. This man loved birds, and so did his mother. She even had a bird clock which made the sound of bird calls at the top of each hour.  They both particularly loved blue jays and cardinals. It was the middle of winter, and the birds were rarely seen at that time. Even in summer, it wasn’t that common to see the blue jays in his yard.  As he was doing dishes one evening, he looked out the window and asked his mom for a sign. He felt he couldn’t go on if he didn’t get a sign. He pleaded and cried and told his mother he couldn’t do this without her.

Very quickly, two blue jays and a red cardinal came and sat on his windowsill right in front of him. All three of these birds came at the same time and sat there together. This was not something that happened before or since. He knew this absolutely was a sign from his mother. He cried and smiled at the same time. A sense of peace washed over him. His whole demeanor changed. The next week he got a new and better job, and he is certain his mother played a role in that. He said the birds saved him because he was at the bottom. The sign from his mother lifted his spirit and allowed him to move on. It may seem like such a small thing, but it meant the world to him.

Sometimes animal spirit messengers will show up when danger is around. This next incident happened in the 1980’s. There was a fourteen-year-old girl who lived in rural Iowa on a farm. The farmhouse was surrounded by corn fields. Her parents were away for the weekend. Late in the afternoon, she heard growling. It wasn’t the elderly family dog who was asleep on the floor right next to her. He was very old and slept most of the time. He was also hard of hearing.

The growling went on and on, and it scared her. She peeked outside and saw a coyote circling her house. As it went around her yard, it kept growling and looking back. At one point it stopped and stared at her. Then it went back to circling and growling. The girl became worried and decided to go lock the doors and windows.

Shortly after, she heard loud bangs. It wasn’t long before she realized that someone was trying to break in the front door. At first, she panicked. After all, she was home alone and very young. But then, she got herself together and called the police. As she was on the phone, a man was going around the house trying every door and window to get in. As luck would have it, a neighbor happened to stop by at this time and scared the burglar away before the police got there. The family rarely locked their doors and windows since they lived so far out in the country. If the coyote had not come by and alerted her to danger, the man would have simply walked right in, and who knows what would have happened. Her father had always gotten rid of the coyotes when he saw them. After this incident, he figured as long as they weren’t killing his livestock, he would let them be.

I could go on and on with this topic as animals have played many roles as spirit communicators and protectors. Rare birds will often appear to me when I’m going through a rough time. I have a friend who sees dragonflies whenever she misses her mother. These beautiful creatures let us know that we are not alone. There is more to this world than we can see and touch. Spirits are around us all the time. Often, they want to ease our suffering and show us the way. We must pay attention and listen when we see the animal messengers. They are appearing for a reason. Let yourself open to spirit. They are waiting to talk to you.

Contact deborahkauflin   @

Spirit says ‘follow your heart’

Photo by Kristina Paukshtite on

Copyright Deborah S. Kauflin, Ph.D.


Your heart is your guide. It seems so simple, and yet we all get away from this at certain points in our lives. The times you walked away from your heart are the times when part of you shut down. Turning away from your heart is turning away from your life.

You see, your heart is a beacon of light for you. Go with your heart, and everything else follows. Listen to that inner guidance because it is vital. Do not listen to the chaos of the world and outside noise. Ignore haters who do not want what is best for you. Your heart will not steer you wrong if you are truly listening to it. It will tell you what is right and what is wrong. You will not have peace if you turn away from it. If you ignore your spirit, your heart, nothing will work out right.

When you pay attention, your path will open up in front of you. Have you ever heard the saying ‘do what you love, and the money will follow?’ This is one example of using your heart as a guide in life. Of course this is true in everything.

Your heart will lead you to the exact spot you need to be. When you listen to it, you will love what you are doing. And when you love what you are doing, then you are happy. This allows you to help others. Then the positivity spreads.

The true path in life brings us to love and light. We get there by doing what comes naturally. All of us want peace and happiness. When we let anger and hatred rule us, we are not listening to our inner selves. Anger eats at you. It destroys. Love lifts you up. Being true to yourself raises your soul to a higher level.

Have you ever heard the phrase ‘the heart wants what the heart wants?’ Well, that is really the truth. Following your heart is following your dreams. Don’t let this depressing world bring you down. The more you tune out the negativity and pay attention to your soul, the more your spirit will grow. This brings you to happiness.

Sometimes we simply are so caught up in everyday troubles that we forget the big picture. We get lost. Now more than any other time, we all need to remember spirit lessons. We need the courage to be who we really are and listen to the subtle whispers within. Our hearts speak to us. Let yourself be still so that you can hear what your heart is saying to you.

If you were led here today to read this, it means that spirit brought you here. This message is very important for you right now.  You need peace and renewal. Life has been very hard for you, and now it is time to heal and play.  You deserve happiness. I am going to repeat that: you deserve happiness. And as always, follow your dreams and follow your heart.

contact deborahkauflin @